May 18th – Hamvention, Dayton OH

The morning started at the KOA campground All-you-can-eat breakfast buffet. Biscuits and Gravy, eggs, sausage, and bacon was piled high. Coffee and orange juice was included in the $5 price. Good food at a great price made a nice start to the day.

The $3 all day shuttle bus ticket from KOA to the Hamvention at the Hana arena was a real bargain since parking near the arena was anyware from $5 to $10. Although a little late getting started, the 20-minute ride to the arena was easy. It was nice to have a day without driving.

We started in the swap meet area. It was one of those swap meets where you are glad other people own most of this stuff. I did see on Azimuth – elevation antenna rotator I liked but was able to resist.

It looked like a good crowd was attending this year. The TV news reported that the attendance was better than last year. That was surprising given the price of gas.

Vendors were doing a brisk business inside the halls. Bud, W3FF, from Redding appeared to be doing well selling his Buddipole antenna system.

Byon, of Byonics, had the beta version of the Tinytrak4 available. This I couldn’t resist. It’s a kit, so I won’t be able to play with it until we return home. I also picked up a new antenna for our APRS tracking unit. I’m hoping it will improve coverage in remote areas. I’ll install in Sunday.

We attended the HF Digital session at 2:30. Mary fell asleep during the presentation. Sadly, I stayed awake. The session was about the AOR digital voice unit. I wish they had titled the session HF Digital Voice. That way I wouldn’t have attended.

We got back to the Roadtrek around 4:30. After resting for a couple hours, I made Spaghetti for dinner.

Our microwave oven finally quit. It has been a problem for about 2-weeks. We plan on replacing it Sunday. Guess I’ll have to do some driving before Monday.