April 9 thru April 11th - Los Algodones, Mexico

Los Algodones is the Dental center of the universe. I would guess it has more dentists per block than any other place on planet earth. We had a recommendation for a dentist so I didn’t have to go thru the selection process. I can say I’m happy with the results. I guess only time will determine the true quality of the work but I can’t tell the difference between the work she did and the work I previously had done in Redding or any other place I’ve lived.

I can hear you asking, “Why go to Algodones for dental work”? Simply cost. The going rates in Algodones are:

Cleaning: $25
X-Ray: $5
Filling: $45
Porcelain Crown: $170

Compare these rates with the rates you are currently paying.

The equipment appears to be back level. I’d say it’s like dental equipment of 15-years ago. I believe Algodones is one of the places where our old equipment goes to be recycled. The supplies used are current.

We parked in a big parking lot on the US side of the border and walked across. All dentist offices are within a few blocks of the border crossing. The entire town is within a few blocks of the crossing.

Crossing into Mexico isn't difficult. Trying to get back is a different matter.

Our first day was spent at the dentist and ordering eyeglasses for both of us. We found the line to get back thru customs that early afternoon was long and time consuming; 1-1/4 hours to be exact. The customs agents were friendly, efficient, and helpful. But the number of Americans that cross daily for medicine, dental, and optical services overwhelms them.

We stayed two nights at the Rivers Edge RV "Resort" in Winterhaven, CA. The rate was $26. It didn't have Internet access.

After a day of "resorting", we returned to Los Algodones to have my 2 crown "installed" and to pick up our glasses. We made this a quick trip so we could get back across the border quickly. At noon, it only took 45-minutes to get back across.

You can see more pictures of Los Algodones in our Picasa site.

We left the Yuma area and started toward Tucson. We spent the night at the Eloy, AZ Flying J. This is the first time we've overnighted at a Flying J but I'm sure it won't be the last.