June 29th – Quechee Gulch

Today is quiet day for two weary travelers. Our leg muscles are still moaning a little because of our hike down Cannon Mountain three days ago.

We arrived at the Quechee campground yesterday and got a chance to investigate it a little today. It’s a nice place with wide spaced sites. Our site, like most, is set far back from the interior road and the neighboring sites are not visible.

We decided we had done enough downhill hiking for a while so we only walked across the Highway/pedestrian Bridge to get a better look into the gulch. It is only 165-feet deep but looks much deeper when standing mid-span on the 1911 vintage bridge. The waist high guardrail didn’t help that perception.

The campground has one of the best recycle centers we’ve seen so far on this trip. They have bins for at two-plastics, cardboard, paper, propane bottles, and refundable containers. It would make a good model for other campgrounds.

We had completed the planned for most of the remainder of our trip. We should be back home in Redding on July 31st. We have several more days touring Vermont’s cheese, maple syrup, and Ice Cream factories and stores before traveling into New York to see Coring Glass Museum, the Erie Canal, and Niagara Falls.

Our Streets & Trips plan show we have 4727-miles yet to go. We have already traveled 8951-miles.