June 9th - 11th - Woodland Valley Public Campground.

I would have liked to call this the Catskills weekend but we are not venturing outside of the van except when absolutely necessary. This place is filled with “No-See-Ums”. Little tiny flies with pit-bull sized mouths that leave large raised welts everyplace they bite. And they seem to bite everyplace.

Mary and I are both covered with itchy red bit marks. Even the Benadryl Itch Relief Stick doesn’t provide very much relief from the itching. I went outside of a few minutes to cook Saturday night’s dinner and returned with 10 bites just on my right knee. Mary put on mesquite repellant only to be told by the park ranger that it seems to act more as an attractant than a repellant for these little guys.

We spent Sunday night cautioning each other against scratching the itch. For scratching just makes the itch worse. It will be nice to have this place behind us.

We decided if we ever have circumstances similar to this again, we either move on immediately or make a run for home.