May 9th – Mammoth Caves

This morning we decided to take the tour we were bumped from yesterday. Originally we were going to take the longer tour but it would have been a repeat of most of yesterday’s tour. The historic tour is a two-hour, two-mile tour entering the cave thru the historic or original entrance. I like this tour because it told and showed the history of the cave… at least, this area of the cave. The primary focus was when the cave was used as a saltpeter source for the war of 1812. Pipes made from drilled out logs remain as historic markers to that time.

There are some places in the cave that were fun to pass thru, like Fat Man's Masery. Here is a picture of Mary making her way thru a section of that passage.

Overall, the cave complex itself is kind of boring. It does not have many areas with stalactites, stalagmites, or other cave type decoration. It is an interesting place to visit but it in no way compares with caves like Carlsbad Caverns. If you are in the area and have a day or two to spare, it is worth considering a stop here. The mosquitoes asked me to put in that plug. Mary and I each have over a dozen bites on our arms and legs. We didn't get them all here but the locals contributed their share.

Lunch today was a subway veggie sandwich we picked up yesterday. They hold up well in the refrigerator when you have them prepared without any dressing. Dinner was a slice of Costco Combo pizza we picked up a couple days ago. It stores well and heats up on the stovetop toaster without a problem.