April 30th - Chattanooga, TN

Today started out wonderfully slow. For breakfast, we each had an extra large croissant that we picked up from The Fresh Market yesterday, orange juice, and coffee. The showers at this campground, Best Trav-L Park, are wonderful. Very spacious with tons of hot water and there is even a bench built into the shower stall that functions as a useful shelf.

We spend most of the late morning preparing for this weeks travels into the Great Smoky Mountains. Water tank has been filled to the 1/2- level, propane and gas tank is full. We spent an hour at the grocery getting more food than we will need.

We decided not to go the Ruby Falls and Rock City, two of Chattanooga’s much advertised attractions. We did ride the Incline Railroad to the top of Lookout Mountain. Two cars counter each other along the 1-mile route. The incline is said to be the steepest of any railroad in the world at more than 70% grade near the top. When you are on the car, it looks more we were going straight up.

The view from the top is spectacular. Chattanooga spreads out at your feet and the Tennessee River twists and turns along its valley. A short walk from the upper train station leads to Point Park National Military Park. This was a key site during the civil war. You have a sweeping vista of the Tennessee River as it winds it way thru the valley.

We had dinner at the Petrofina Restaurant that is located just a few blocks from the camp.
It is a larger family style restaurant that has menu entrees as well at a salad/soup/pizza bar. It was good and definitely filling.

Tomorrow we head to the Great Smoky Mountains. We will probably be without WiFi until we return to Chattanooga on Friday or Monday.